How Often Should You Backup Your Data?

All computer or mobile device users should have a data backup plan. Unexpected events such as file corruption, hard drive failure or viruses can erase all your data when least expected. For this reason, data backup should be a crucial part of your machine’s usage routine. Some people are intimidated the backup process, making them less diligent than others in the secure storage of their data.

What is Data Backup?

It’s when your computer or device creates copies of your data and stores them in the event of data loss.  While some computer users use cloud backups for their data, others use flash drives or external hard drives. A backup is essentially an insurance policy against catastrophe.

Why It Is Essential to Backup Your Data

All the data in your computer is stored in its drives. Due to this, the constant writing and reading of data could eventually result in drive failure usually without warning. One common catastrophe is overtime drive failure, caused by drive degradation or mechanical failure. It’s crucial that you store a copy of your data somewhere else, should a catastrophe like this happen.

So, How Often Should You Backup Your Data?

How often do you change the data stored on your computer or create new files? You should be backing up your data every time this occurs.  Other things you should take into account before deciding how often you should back up your files is the originality and relevance of the data as well as your personal security needs.

If you’re an occasional computer user who rarely creates new documents or files, then a monthly backup should do for you. To stay safe, try to remember to do so at least once a week.

If you’re a power user or you use your computer for business, your machine receives heavy use. Several backups throughout the day may be most beneficial if you’re this type of user. Disasters happen. In the event of data loss, a ‘Disaster Recovery’ strategy can be implemented. This will restore all your data quickly, and get you back to work in no time.

You don’t have to manually backup your data either because your device will do so automatically. Making the effort to schedule your backups will ensure all your data is stored securely. This completely eliminates you having to remind yourself to go in and do one regularly. Let your machines do the work themselves, and data backup will become a breeze.